Ilze Berzins

Nasturtium. One of my favourite flowers. So easy to grow. Love the sun, put up with all kinds of soil. Bloom all semmer long. Edible flowers. I've never tried to add them to a salad. Doesn't seem right. Some say the seeds can be marinated to make capers.

Stormy weather in Brunswick. Still we had fun at Thomas Point Beach.

Amazingly warm beautiful days and it's already mid-November! Maybe the cold rain and the snow will never come...

Mum was out there in her LL Bean's raincoat. Not me.

In bed at last with Mummy at L'Ange-Gardien motel in Quebec

Too big for the living room this painting has been stored in the basement for years. I remember vividly how much I enjoyed painting this--just a large piece of masonite propped up on a table in a tiny kitchen which I tackled with gusto (the painting not the kitchen--which was a disaster and almost prompted a divorce). Still, I loved every minute of the process, so unlike the struggles other paintings involved. It always amused me when people couldn't initially see the sleeping mermaid. I painted her from a sketch I had made in Paris many years ago.

At the barre in the studio of Les Ballets Jazz in Montreal

One of my favourite paintings now hangs in a law office in Halifax.

A multi-media painting on paper which I called SPRING ANGEL, exhibited at Studio 21 in Halifax and purchased.